Wow the light of dawn
Wow the light of dawn

In the end, it really doesn't matter.This, 10 TIMES. However, for me, i've got enough out of the expansion that i don't really care if the stuff i didn't earn stays, or if it get's removed. If i was so bothered about these things, i'd have joined a top guild long ago and sacrificed all friendships for the sake of a few e-peen points.

wow the light of dawn

In the end, i've just given up being bothered about what stays and what get's removed. Everything changes, everything stays the same. We had it about the SWP Bow, SWP Kills after the "lolpatch", Amani Warbears, Naxx and Corrupted Ashbringer. The average pug of people that still don't think CC is required, don't know they have stuns that need to be used, don't know to run as a group, run into the frigging orbs, shadow trap the raid. A good pug of people that have done it before and are from different guilds, maybe. LK Heroic won't be puggable easily until expansion 4, at the very least.

wow the light of dawn wow the light of dawn

They still fail in BT because they don't run out the raid/they don't run away from others/they don't interrupt/they run into the fire/they keep meleeing when they're not meant to/they don't kill adds. Really, people still fail in SWP because they don't use the portals/don't avoid the breath/don't get the correct debuff.

Wow the light of dawn